Rural Wireless Internet
Never worry about streaming your favourite show or gaming against your buddy with our high-speed Rural Wireless Internet.

Fast & Reliable
Choose from a variety of speeds and never worry about downtime again

Filter Free
We do not filter Netflix or any other content, enjoy the internet the way it was meant to be

Unlimited Usage
We never limit or charge our customers for usage
Being connected to your family, friends, school, and work is more important than ever. At Ancaster Wireless we believe our Rural Wireless Internet can help connect you to the people and things you love.
Our wireless internet service provides rural customers with city-like internet speeds and Connects you to what Matters!
We have a package to fit everyone’s needs
Up to 25Mbps download
per month
Up to 50Mbps download
per month
Up to 75Mbps download
per month
Up to 100Mbps download
per month
ALL of our packages include no data caps, no bandwidth limits. You will never be penalized for using the internet.
Please note, not all plans are available in all areas. Please contact our sales team to find out what service is available at your location.
Why being Local is so Important to Us!
As a family owned business, selling local and buying local are important to us. We live, work and play in the Ancaster community. We have chosen to set down our roots in this community because we believe it is a wonderful place to live.
We also believe that the community deserves a local, reliable internet provider who delivers on their promise to provide reliable service and support. Our office staff are local, our support staff are local and our installers are all local.
We are invested in the community, we are invested in our clients and we will provide a level of service and support that no other company can.
Give us a chance to prove why local makes a difference; you won’t be disappointed.
Sq. KM of coverage and more coming soon!
Population Covered Today
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a few of the questions we get the most. If you don’t see what’s on your mind, reach out to us anytime; give us a call or send us an email.
Do you block Netflix or other streaming services?
No, we do not block any streaming service. In fact, we actively take steps to ensure Netflix and other streaming services work well for our clients.
Do you have a contract?
No, all of our Residential services are on a month-to-month payment plan with no contract. If you are unhappy with your service, you will need to give us a 30-day cancelation request.
Do I have to buy your hardware?
No, in fact, we own all of our own hardware and we loan it to our customers at no charge. Then if there is an issue, we can change it or swap it without any confusion or fees. If a customer no longer needs our service, they let us know and we will arrange to pick up our equipment from you.
Why is your installation fee higher than others?
We have heard that our installation fee is higher than some other companies. We believe our installation fee is fairly priced given the fact we supply and install a wireless unit outside of your house and a unit that goes inside as well to allow our team to provide service and support remotely.
Do I need a router or wireless access point of my own?
We provide a router but it does not include WIFI for connecting laptops and cell phones. If you need to connect wireless devices such as tablets, cell phones, laptops, etc. you may use your own wireless router or we can supply one at your request. (Additional fees may apply)
Interested In Our Rural Wireless Internet?
Please give us a call today and a member of our sales team will be happy to help you get connected! Or please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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